What is this blog about?

I constantly have thoughts and ideas that I quickly forget. Sometimes I have the same thoughts several times through time, or answer a question that I have already answered. As I promised to myself that I will never spend my time figuring out something twice, I started to write this blog.

I am very concerned about the quality of the content we can find on the Internet, so I will never post anything that I think is useless (such as my favorite anything, a description of my last travel to wherever, how I spent my last birthday, or stupid discussions such as the proper way to pronounce Pokemon). Mostly, I will post things that I consider relevant or difficult to find over the Internet.

My academic background will certainly bias the content of this blog; however, since I started to get aware of my memory problem, I noticed certain things that could be important for other people:
  1. Good music, movies, and books are difficult to find.
  2. Good old music. movies, and books are almost impossible to find.
  3. It is a good practice to take the time to learn who does well the things you love.
  4. Its is a good practice to hear people that already thought about what you are thinking now.
  5. It is a good practice to write down any good idea you have.
  6. It is a better practice to make your ideas public if you are not sure you will be working on them right away.
  7. Search Engines don't have the answers, they are just a good research tool once you already know the answers.
  8. You can find people willing to work in things that interest you in places you never imagined.
  9. You are your cultural background: don't forsake it, embrace it and be proud of it.
  10. Producing is hard but rewarding.
  11. Sharing is caring.
Last but not least, it is very important for me to have a good writing in the languages I care: Spanish (my native language), English, and Japanese. I will mix posts in those languages now and then. If you are fluent or one of those languages is your native one, I will be very grateful if you could make any comment to improve my writing and translation skills.

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